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A Scary Fast Landing Page built with AMP & Cloudflare Pages.

What do you get when you combine Cloudflare Pages as a platform, a landing page built with the AMP framework and Cloudflare workers for serverless form processing? The patential of having lightning fast landing pages with near perfect lighthouse scores right from the start.

What's At Work

Cloudflare Pages

Cloudflare pages is a platform designed to "Build fast sites. In record time". Cloudflare pages can host your JAM Stack + static sites on Cloudflare's servers starting at no cost. Utilizing automated delivery straight from your Github repo, deployment is super easy with Cloudflare pages - just choose your branch and push your code and Cloudflare pages will deploy for you.

Learn More About Cloudflare Pages

The AMP Framework

The AMP Framework has been designed "to easily create user-first experiences for the web". It is made with plenty of modular components you can drop in to add interactivity while not having to concentrate on speed and user experience for site visitors as AMP components are designed with those things in mind already. Cloudflare offers additional benifits for AMP sites you can read about here

Learn More About AMP.

Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare workers is a serverless code platform offered by Cloudflare. It features automatic scaling across thousands of servers as well as 0ms cold starts so your code runs with no delay. You can also run and test code locally with the Wrangler CLI before deploying.

Learn More About Cloudflare Workers

Why Use It?

There are a number of reasons why you should consider hosting an AMP site on Cloudflare Pages:

  • Cloudflare pages is "developer focused" and deploying your sites to the platform can be as easy as pushing your code from your text editor straight to Github - Cloudflare pages handles the details for you.
  • It's sometimes posible to weigh down a sites preformance with features but AMP landing pages can be feature rich while still demanding great preformance. AMP can also help your site's preformance in that "Domains built with AMP are 5 times more likely to pass Core Web Vitals metrics than non-AMP!" (AMP.dev)
  • Cloudflare workers offer a scaleable cost effective serverless solution. Cloudflare workers support many different languages with additional support for 0ms cold starts saving your sites preformance scores precious Milliseconds

See the Setup.

Enter your email below to get sent a link to the github repo walking through what's going on with this landing page. Alternatively, just go straight to the repository now using this link . Really this section is just to demonstrate how to process a serverless AMP form and trigger an email to be sent from sendgrid using Cloudflare workers

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